Le Malae Opinion

Where we discuss the events and politics that are affecting the Samoan people around the globe. Our objective is to stimulate thought provoking conversations and examine issues from a variety of perspectives so our readers can accurately decide where they are situated in this discussion.

Le Malae Opinion: Samoa

Samoa's Parliament is run by a Minority of unaffiliated Representatives while the Majority Party and Opposition are observers. 

February 15, 2025

Samoa's Parliament has entered into a twilight zone where the Democratic traditions are turned upside down. 

In the last few weeks the upheaval of the Ruling Party FAST, have resulted in the FAST Party leadership voting to remove the PM Fiame and her Cabinet Ministers who supported her unpopular decision to remove La'aulialemalietoa Leuetea Schmidt as Minister of Agriculture, from the Cabinet. This was voted on by the Party and 20 FAST members voted to remove her and as a result she was summarily removed from the Party with her group of 9 Representatives, who have subsequently been appointed by her, as Ministers in her cabinet. This development is very unique in the history of Democracy, not only in Samoa, but anywhere in the free world.

It has been the law, that the Party with the majority in Parliament shall hold the executive branch and appoint the Speaker of the Parliament. When the FAST took power in 2021, Laaulialemalietoa, who founded the FAST Party, acknowledged Fiame Naomi, who is the daughter of the first Prime Minister of Samoa, Mataafa Mulinuu II, and gave her the PM title which was approved by Parliament. However, there was, at the time, no indication that the Prime Minister would act in such a manner, which was clearly to subvert the FAST Party's leadership.  

According to the Parliamentary laws of Samoa the Prime Minister must be affiliated with the majority party, which is the FAST Party. This has clearly been terminated by the FAST Party. However, the Prime Minister and her group of rebels  claim to still be members of the Party. This appears to be a ploy so they can still hold onto their positions as Ministers of the country. 

The confusion that has resulted has not interfered with the management of the government and it's functions, but the issue is whether the laws or activities undertaken by this executive branch are legitimate and whether they can be enforceable, based on the fact that they are not legitimately attached to a legal Political Party. These 9 Representatives are wielding the power but...... are they allowed to? 

It has been a week since this fiasco has been in play. The country is waiting patiently to see where the direction will come from. Samoa fortunately has a solid traditional power structure which is maintaining peace and stability on the village and district level. The Chiefs are still a force to be reckoned with, and they are able to control the people, as this mess gets sorted out.

There are a number of options that seem to be available here. 1) The Head of State could get involved and dissolve the Parliament or give a decisive a mandate that the Parliament resolve this in manner that is acceptable under the rules of Parliament and the Constitution. 2) The Courts might be able to rule on a case if brought to trial, to define what the laws in place allow or would require in this situation. 3) All parties agree to a snap election which will be costly and only be valid for less than a year as the next general election is set for next year. 4) Leave the situation as is and wait until the next election early next year to resolve this.

This dilemma has become a major news story for the various news outlets and podcasts as the people throughout Samoa and the diaspora are keenly waiting to hear what the next step will be.

Laaulialemalietoa, the former Minister of Agriculture, is the pivotal figure in this matter, as he was the reason Fiame lost her position and her membership in the FAST Party. The question is what was Laauli supposed to do under the circumstances? Obviously the die has been cast and the situation now is a festering wound in the body politik of Samoa.

Laauli, to his credit, has been rather quiet and non-confrontational except for the removal of Fiame, which under the circumstances, seems to have been the right call. She was the initiator of the controversy to remove Laauli unceremoniously from his position, which was a very bad political move, because it seemed designed to weaken the FAST Party. The so-called accusations and charges against him were not serious enough, in the eyes of most, to require his removal from cabinet. The inconsistency of the request from Fiame was not unnoticed when other minister's in her cabinet were actually allowed to remain in place even after they were convicted of crimes. This inconsistency made her motivations seem suspect at best.

The Opposition Party has been rather surprising with its demand that PM Fiame step down for the good of the country. Former PM Tuilaepa Malielegaoi made that clear in a press statement where he seemed to align with FAST in this issue.

As the second week of this matter passes, the country is wondering what Prime Minister Fiame will do next. Will she step down for the benefit of the government, or will she try to ride this out for as long as she can? Or is there an outside player that may rear its familiar head if this continues for too much longer?

We shall see.

Le Malae Opinion

The fight for New Zealand citizenship must continue. This Mau is legitimate! 

January 25, 2025

As the New Zealand Parliament voted on the Green Party, Teanau Tuiono's Restoring Citizenship Removed by Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act 1982 Bill, former Parliamentarian Arthur Anae, spoke of the inequity of the process that has opened the door partially for Samoans who were born between 1924 and 1949 to receive New Zealand citizenship.

The door had been fully opened after a case brought in 1982, was argued that a Samoan citizen living in New Zealand was an overstayer. The woman, Falema'i Lesa, argued she was not an overstayer as she was a New Zealand citizen. The case reached the Privy Council — the highest appellate court in the British Empire, later replaced by the New Zealand Supreme Court.

The Privy Court found that, because New Zealand law had previously considered Western Samoans born after May 13 1925 as British subjects as were other New Zealanders, those people and their descendants also received New Zealand citizenship when it was established in 1948.

However, the National Government, led by Muldoon, closed that door when they passed a law in 1982 overriding the Privy Council decision, and removed New Zealand citizenship for Western Samoans born between May 13 1924 and January 1 1949, as well as anyone claiming citizenship through them either by descent or marriage.

It is the position of this publication that these actions done unilaterally by New Zealand with no input from Samoa and the subsequent passage of Tuiono's Bill, are evidence of a discriminatory motive by the Parliament of New Zealand, especially when we take into account how the application of this law, in 2024, was painstakingly tailored to limit the number of Samoans who could benefit to less than 4000 total.

Arthur Anae hammers home the point that the fear mongering was perpetuated among the New Zealand population, alleging that passing this Bill would increase Samoans with New Zealand citizenship to 100,000 Samoans....God forbid. This according to Arthur is very telling as to the motives for such rhetoric and decision when compared to the current situation with Australian migration to New Zealand, where Aussie citizens are allowed to enter New Zealand without any restrictions. In fact Former Prime Minister Helen Clark on 1 September 1982 stated: “I challenge the Attorney-General’s assertion that we could not live with a situation in which thousands of people could come to live here at any time…at any time, 14 million Australians (now 20 million) could enter NZ without visas and reside here permanently. Why is the Government so worried about the remote possibility of 100,000 Sāmoans exercising their right to live here?”

Is there any logical reason why this has the people or Parliament of New Zealand so fearful of the miniscule addition of Samoans to their numbers, that they will openly afford preferential rights to about 60 countries over Samoa, which New Zealand illegally entered and colonized? Why are the standards for legal entry to New Zealand by Samoans different?

Teanau Tuiono, of the Green Party presents the Bill for its first reading.

The Privy Council Decision.

And lets just examine what the original issue was. The Privy Council, which is now the New Zealand Supreme Court, ruled after a trial on the matter, that a Samoan born after 1925 (which was when New Zealand as an agent of Great Britain took control of Western Samoa and as a result Samoans were made British Subjects,) would be entitled to New Zealand citizenship as was the case with those living in New Zealand when New Zealand became independent in 1948. Furthermore their children and marriage partners were also automatically given citizenship. 

In 1923 and 1928, New Zealand also enacted two pieces of legislation that conferred the status of British subjects on (Western) Sāmoans: The British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act 1923, and the British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act 1928.

Then, in 1948, the British Nationality and New Zealand Citizenship Act was passed. This Act created New Zealand citizenship. It also provided that Sāmoans who were British subjects would become New Zealand citizens from January 1, 1949. As a result Western Sāmoans born between 1948 and 1962, when Western Samoa became independent were automatically New Zealand citizens because the United Kingdom had declared this in the British Nationality Act of 1948 discussed below. Western Samoan citizenship took effect from 1962, when Sāmoa became independent from New Zealand. Samoans born after that date no longer had the claim to New Zealand citizenship or British subject status. But obviously, the core of this issue is whether Samoans were entitled to the classification of British subject or not. According to the British, it appears, Western Samoans were eligible to be classified as British Subjects, based on New Zealand, a colony of Britain's actions.

Herein lies the injustice of the Muldoon led Parliamentary revocation of this distinction which in 1982 New Zealand's parliament passed unanimously a law that removed the legitimate rights of Samoans for no apparent reason. Legally the Privy Council ruled in favor of granting the same rights that have been afforded British subjects in other parts of the world.

The British Nationality Act of 1948 states in relevant parts:

(1)Every person who under this Act is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or who under any enactment for the time being in force in any country mentioned in subsection (3) of this section is a citizen of that country shall by virtue of that citizenship have the status of a British subject.

(2)Any person having the status aforesaid may be known either as a British subject or as a Commonwealth citizen ; and accordingly in this Act and in any other enactment or instrument whatever, whether passed, or made before or after the commencement of this Act, the expression " British subject " and the expression " Commonwealth citizen" shall have the same meaning.

(3)The following are the countries hereinbefore referred to, that is to say, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Newfoundland, India, Pakistan, Southern Rhodesia and Ceylon.

Samoans sitting in New Zealand's Parliament awaiting the decision on the Citizenship Bill.

Furthermore in Part 1 Section 6 the same act states that those who are registered as British subjects in Britain or any of its colonies, and women married to British Subjects will be recognized as citizens of the United Kingdom.

Because New Zealand was one of the countries where British Subjects were automatically granted status as citizens, it was obvious that Samoans who were administered by New Zealand and  were legislated 3 times as British Subjects (1923, 1928 and 1948) by New Zealand were therefore legally entitled to the New Zealand citizenship, up to the date Western Samoa became independent in 1962.

It seems that New Zealand overstepped their authority as the term "British subject" is not theirs to give or take away. That comes from Great Britain.

If New Zealand was reluctant to grant them citizenship, they are at least British citizens under Britain's laws and practices at the time, which recognized British subjects as qualified for British citizenship. Under the British Nationality Act of 1948 Section 4 it states: 4  Citizenship by birth

Subject to the provisions of this section, every person born within the United Kingdom and Colonies after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth.

This may be an alternative angle that Western Samoans born between 1948 and 1962 can pursue. That of British citizenship. I think it should be tested. If it is allowed, then the Samoans born before 1962 can become British citizens and migrate to New Zealand with no visa as part of New Zealand's Visa Waiver nationalities.

However, the sad part of this entire exercise is that after all the sweet talk and lengthy history between our two countries the only plausible reason for the denial of New Zealand citizenship to Western Samoans born between the 1920s and 1962 is racism. No other reason is available. The lack of any threat to the population of New Zealand by an influx of 100,000 Samoans, when New Zealand has opened its doors to millions of Australians and almost 60 other nations whose citizens can fly into New Zealand and get their passport stamped at the airport with no need for a visa to stay in New Zealand for up to 3 months without restrictions is clearly a colonial attitude that New Zealand has exhibited many times in our history. 

Another interesting angle that was brought up by the Prime Minister of Samoa, seemed to indicate she was not a fan of allowing Samoans to get the benefits of citizenship, because of what she described as a depopulation issue for Samoa if such a benefit were granted to Samoa. This will be discussed further in a future article, but suffice it to say the benefits to Samoa, of   gaining citizenship for the over 50 year old generation of Samoans would be tremendous. I do not understand why she was not in favor of fighting for that right to be given to our people especially those who are older and could use benefits and access to better health care.

The sad part of this issue is we have dealt with New Zealand as a friend and partner in many endeavors, but there seems to be an underlying attitude that is eating at the heart of our relationship. I hate to admit this a racial issue, but the evidence is hard to overcome and the latest lame effort by New Zealand to repair this obvious abuse of our rights as Samoans who have had the judicial system examine and the top legal minds of the highest court of the land have agreed, that Samoans deserve to be given New Zealand citizenship, and yet they persist in this antiquated colonial mentality, that is based on nothing but a petty desire for superiority.

Le Malae Opinion

Our Samoan nation is on the brink of disaster, due to a selfish leader who is trying to hide a crime.

January 25, 2025

There is a saying that a selfish leader will burn down their nation just to rule over the ashes. This seems to be the case in Samoa. The entire work that was done from 2017 to 2021 by various groups and culminating in the victory to FAST Party which achieved what the people were seeking, a removal of the corrupt regime of Tuilaepa Malielegaoi and the HRPP which had been in power for 40 years, (like the children of Israel wandering in the desert) is now in jeopardy.


What is the big reason that an entire nation is being put through this trauma of potentially becoming subject to the Opposition leader and his Party, the HRPP, again? Why have we been brought back to the River Jordan, when I thought we crossed that river and entered the promised land in 2021?

The simple answer is the selfish desires of a leader who has rejected her mandate from the people and her party to be a people first government and to no longer be subject to the whims and wishes of the powerful elite who were the leaders of the HRPP at the time. I place the entire blame for this fiasco on the shoulders of Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa.

How is she able to sleep at night knowing she is the author of the division in the Party and the fact that her actions are bringing our country to the brink of destabilization. Again, a selfish leader doesnt care about the fires burning around her as long as she will be the one to rule over the ashes. How inconsiderate of her. She is supposedly a Tama Aiga, long respected by Samoa for their dedication to benefiting the people first before themselves. We only have to look back to Tamasese Lealofi III who gave his life for Samoa. That is the Tama Aiga we recall. Not this.

How does Fiame justify her actions? I dont understand what her reasoning is for wanting to remove Laauli, who was only charged....NOT CONVICTED, of a crime. Her failure to see what was obvious to everyone else, that the Police Department were being manipulated by the Opposition to avoid prosecution for the death of a young man in 2021, is a clear indication that her personal agenda was more important that justice for Tuuau.

So much for her claim to be for the rule of law.

She has also shown her disdain for small people like the parents of Tuuau, the victim of the hit and run crime, which by the way has a witness. So where is that witness again? In prison. Why? I have no idea. But might it be because the witness says that he saw the accident and can identify the owner of the car and perhaps the driver? And that individual is perhaps close to the PM?

So the Police delay this trial, put the witness in jail and then 3 years later after there is speculation as to why such an important trial has been put on indefinite delay, they bring charges against Laauli for some cooked up crime of interfering with justice. How was Laauli interfering with Justice? I would love to see that trial. The Police sat on the case and havent pursued the Tuuau trial, and yet Laauli is interfering with it? How is that possible? Anyone with half a brain can see this was a ploy to put Laauli in a position where the PM could say, well because of your being charged with a crime you need to step down.

How convenient.

We werent born yesterday Fiame. If you going to play these games at least be a little more creative.

But this is the arrogance of someone with an elitist mentality. We all were proud of her demeanor, which was proud and staunch, unintimidated by world leaders. However, this same persona is now indicative of a person who has very little empathy with the little people, but sees herself as the supreme leader of Samoa and as such should not be questioned when she does anything that is not in line with the will of the people.

Not to say that Laauli is perfect, or that FAST has no faults, but we must afford them a time to correct the failures that were there when they walked in and these are the initial actions of a new Party which has made effective moves that are benefiting the country within a short time. FAST stepped into power after 40 years of corruption by the HRPP. The Samoan Airline was in debt and no longer flying. They came into a disaster and spent much of the first 4 years trying to clean up the mess that the HRPP left. The leaders of our new government, especially the Prime Minister, were presented as upright and honorable people seeking to serve the country, not themselves....or so we thought.

Timing is everything.

The great thing about this development is the number of secret agents that have been exposed by this weird action. Wow! I never suspected there were so many members of FAST who were secret agents for the enemy.

I think the timing of this development is extremely important to examine.

The successful Commonwealth Conference of leaders

held in October was a world class event that propelled Samoa's credibility into the stratosphere. Fiame played her part perfectly, as she was adored by world leaders including the King of England. This was the supernal moment of success for Fiame and Samoa. However, following that success Fiame flew to China where she met with President Xi. She even took a picture with him similar to the one Stui took with President Xi.

Now what in the world is she doing meeting with this guy who we just got rid of HRPP because they allowed China to come in to Samoa and start putting us under their control, using debt diplomacy and plans to build a wharf and airport to exert their influence over us. That was the primary reason we rejected the HRPP.

The HRPP allowed China to put a flag under the Samoan flag at Mulinuu, so when Samoa's flag was raised, we saw the Chinese flag beneath it. The symbolism was very clear. China owned Samoa under the HRPP.

That was why we encouraged FAST to come into power and the people supported this revolution. But following Fiame's return from China and the return of the FAST Party which had taken a world tour to raise money, the mood changed.

Rumors were heard that some of the same guys who were travelling throughout the world with Laauli were saying they were going to switch things up when they got back to Samoa. These are the same guys who are now on the side of Fiame. This is Fiame who was noncommittal to FAST until the last minute.

This is suspicious as they are now doing exactly what they had hinted at while on tour with Laauli. The plot thickens. Let me speculate here.

The orders were given and they began the effort to destabilize FAST so the power could return to HRPP and China would be allowed to complete whatever they were planning 5 years ago.

As soon as 2025 came around the move began with the charges against Laauli being emphasized and the subsequent request from the PM for Laauli to step down. As we see, they played this well, but Laauli had a pair of Aces also. He as the Party Chairman and Deputy Chair was able to authorize the removal of the PM and her cohorts, with the caucuses approval, which he received earlier this week.

The only piece that is not clear is the role of the Head of State. That is going to be revealed soon, although he appears to be aligned with the HRPP since they appointed him. Hopefully he is wise enough to stay in line with FAST.

What is next?

Like they say in TV Land, As the world Turns, this a soap opera of major consequence to our nation. Hopefully we wont need General Hospital because of the Young and the Reckless. (I know Restless but these are more reckless)

Samoa must stay focused on the path to self governance. This nation has endured many trials and fought through them all to become independent and subject to noone. With the leadership of such majestic political and heroic icons as Pili, Tuna and Fata, Lauaki Mamoe, Tamasese Lealofi III, Mataafa Mulinuu II, Malietoa Tanumafili II and in our times, Minister of Agriculture Laaulialemalietoa Polataivao Schmidt, speaker of the House Papalii Taeu Masipa'u, former Minister of Finance Mulipola Anarosa Molioo, Former Minister of Technology and Communications Toelupe Pou Onesemo, Leota Laki Sio former minister of Commerce and Labour as well as the stalwart team of FAST members of Parliament who voted to remove the Prime Minister from the Party, the mission of Samoa being independent remains our number one priority!

To these great leaders and heroes of yesteryear, we owe our gratitude that we the people are still relevant and free and we will survive as well as prosper once we rid ourselves of these arrogant and self serving individuals who misled us to trust them when we were seeking our freedom from oppression from within and from foreign entities. God bless Samoa.

Ia manuia le atunuu o Samoa.

Fiame v. La'auli. Is there a power struggle? Who stands to benefit?

January 18, 2025

The recent actions or lack of action by the Prime Minister has brought into question, what in the hell is she doing?

The last week's controversy regarding the Minister of Agriculture, Laaulialemalietoa Leuetea Schmidt who was arraigned in court to answer some rather interesting charges brought by the Police and another private party, is giving everyone a headache. These charges were later explained by the Police Commissioner Auapaau Logoitino Filipo to the media as reported by the New Zealand Herald, as being unrelated to another case, the Hit and Run death of a young man Tu'uau Maletino. However, this explanation only further confused the situation as the charges against Laauli were identified as including two that were for interfering with a court case which included three counts of conspiracy or attempt to defeat or pervert the course of justice, one of conspiracy to commit an offence (fabricate evidence). 

There is no other legal matter that Laauli is being brought to court on, by the police except for the statements made and efforts exerted by the Minister of Agriculture to further the resolution  of the case of Tu'uau Maletino, which has been quite weird in it's process.

The most illogical thing that has resulted from this matter is the Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mataafa's demand that Laauli step down from her cabinet as Minister of Agriculture. Her demand defies all reason and logic as Laauli has not been convicted and his presumption of innocence is protected under the Samoan laws and constitution. Her actions have raised the eyebrows of many people in the country and outside of Samoa.

The FAST party held a caucus recently where 26 members stood with Laauli, the FAST Chairman, supporting his decision not to step down and reaffirm their support for him as the Chairman of the FAST Party.

The question is now one of motive. What was the motive behind PM Fiame's demand? She, instead of standing to support and protect Laauli, appears to be siding with the HRPP who are engineering the demise of the FAST Party with their use of the legal system and Police, who are clearly not impartial as has been evidenced by their very unprofessional handling of the case regarding Tu'uau's death.

The matter regarding Tu'uau is a tragic affair as he was hit while walking on the street, and the car that hit him fled the scene and Police are still looking for the culprit. There was an eyewitness who stated that he saw the hit and run, and identified the car as belonging to a member of the Opposition Party, the HRPP.

This happened in April of 2021. It is nearly four years since this tragic event happened and the Police have not solved the case nor have they been able to locate the car that caused the death of this teenager. 

Then there is the strange handling of the witness who claims he saw the hit and run and identified the car. He has been placed in jail by the police. There is no official statement as to why they have placed him in custody but it appears the police are accusing him of defamation, which is strange since there is a court where such determinations are usually made and resolved. Is the individual who has been named by Samuelu afraid of something? Is he afraid the court trial will prove he was the culprit who hit the young man and killed him?

As a witness has come forward the normal procedure would be to speedily bring the matter to trial and accuse the party that the witness, Samuelu Le'au, named, of hit and run and other associated charges. However, this is not what has happened. 

The Police have not made any effort to bring the individual named by the witness to trial. If anything the witness seems to be having a more difficult life as a result of his statements. He did however, make a public statement on the radio, where he stated the facts as he understood them. By bringing it to the public he caused the controversy that has resulted.

Because of the length of time that the police have taken to act on the witness's statement, La'auli among others have been discussing the witness and the rather abnormal handling of this matter by the police. The claims against Laauli are quite strange, as it appears the courts and police are more concerned for the protection of the reputation of the party named by the witness rather than solve this case. 

Why are they afraid to go to trial and let the court sort out the facts? Why are the police so determined to not use this witness's testimony? Why has Fiame aligned herself with the defendants in this matter to the obvious condemning of Laauli, before he has had his day in court?

By asking Laauli to step down, Fiame has shown that she is not supporting Laauli and is exposing her own agenda, which seems to be to bring Laauli down as she imposes her will on him, to leave her cabinet. This move by Fiame has infuriated the people, especially since they can smell what Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, the leader of the HRPP, is cooking. 

The removal of the HRPP from power was unexpected and definitely surprised many, especially STUI, as we lovingly refer to the ex Prime Minister. He did not expect his 40 year regime to come crashing down in one election cycle. FAST only became a Political Party in 2020, and won the 2021 election, by one seat.

The fact that Fiame was not committed to FAST until the last day when the swearing in happened, now seems ominous.

She has benefitted greatly from the respect shown  to her by Laauli. He placed her in the PM seat when as the founder of FAST it would have been acceptable for him to take the PM seat. However, the move was made by Laauli for the benefit of the party and the country, who were mindful of the status Fiame has in the hierarchy of the traditional chiefs of Samoa. However, the respect does not appear to have been reciprocated.

As we watch these developments, the main question is who stands to benefit from this action, and the attempt to collapse the FAST Party?

Obviously, the HRPP, or opposition party would love to remove their only defeat in 40 years. The ex PM Tuilaepa, has made the Parliament sessions contentious and full of accusations. Although this is expected, the level that he and his side kicks have been assailing the FAST leaders has been rather belligerent. The obvious objective has been to not only discredit the FAST but to humiliate them. 

The benefit, if La'auli is taken down and the FAST Party decline, would obviously be to the HRPP and Stui. But lurking in the back are other powerful parties, who seem to have unfinished business with Samoa.

To her credit, Fiame has been rather aloof from these confrontations, maintaining a respectful posture in the face of the rants and raving antics of the opposition.

Her international stature was elevated by the successful Commonwealth Conference of Head of Governments held in Samoa last October. However, she followed that up with a trip to Communist China where she revived the relationship with Chairman Xi Jinping. This brought back bad memories of the last PM, who allowed Chinese flags to be raised with the Samoan Flag in Samoa. We also were indebt to the Chinese as a result of their debt diplomacy which has allowed them to secure armed bases in various parts of the world.

Fiame was skillful in not revealing her true nature. Her ability to seem unaffected by the back and forth were admirable indeed. But we now are unsure if it was just a ploy as she was waiting for the right time to reveal her true identity.

The result of the controversy between Fiame and Laauli has served to clarify who the people prefer. The online discussions have indicated a strong preference for the Minister of Agriculture and Fishery over the sitting Prime Minister. The talk on podcasts from Samoa to New Zealand to Australia to the US seem to be heavily in favor of Laauli. There is a sense of betrayal that people seem to feel as they see what Fiame is doing as a return to the corrupt dictatorship of Stui and his Party of sheep who he dominates. But the reality is now apparent, Tuilaepa is not a young man. Who will take his place?

That in itself may be reason to not allow the return of the HRPP to power. The next in line is Lealailepule Rimoni. Unless Fiame is making a move to return to her roots?

The soap opera Days of Our Lives comes to mind as we watch the drama play out in Samoa's Parliament. 

God bless Samoa to make the right decision. And we pray that justice will be served for the family of the young victim of a horrific Hit and Run killing. They have been waiting for justice for almost 4 years.